Cruise Control Diet

Weight gain is a phenomenon quite normal when no more than one pound per month throughout pregnancy. Expanding somewhat this limit, we can consider normal a total increase James Ward of 9-12 kg. During this period, the metabolism of the woman undergoing major changes, which regardless of the calories Cruise Control Diet you get pregnant, causing weight gain The important role played by hormones. Because the hormones the amount of blood that circulates is increased by approximately one third and this is one main reason for weight gain. Another result of the effect of hormones is constipation, which causes great absorption of nutrients consumed. Finally the "diabetogenic" hormones cause greater need to use glucose, ie sugar ingested from food.

The problem is not just about your line. The risks to the health of mother and child is much greater than the aesthetic problem. Hypertrophy of the mother can cause hypertension, which, if not treated, can inhibit the growth of the baby and endanger the health of the expectant mother. Furthermore, if overweight mother combined with gestational diabetes, the child if born thick and that - besides being difficult childbirth - can cause acute hypoglycemia baby just born, which in turn becomes a cause of many infections .

Some women begin pregnancy with already several extra pounds. In this case, should the pregnant woman takes refuge on its own initiative in slimming diets. Losing weight during pregnancy may have adverse effects on the child. Only after clinical examination the doctor may suggest a special diet for any woman serious obesity problem.